Thursday, June 28, 2018

Post Hysterectomy Healing

Wow, it seemed so easy. I went in, the surgery was finished in record time it seemed. 50 minutes! I teased my surgeon about hog tying me and throwing up her hands to stop the clock (farm/ranch humor). Anyway, it went really well and I felt pretty normal unless I tried to push something or lift more than 6 pounds, and I was told to listen to my body. That sounded like good advice. One of my incisions looked like it some bruising around it and seeped blood for a couple weeks. My doctors worried about it closing because it was slow to do so. Finally it closed up. However, the 5 week recover time was really, really, long for me and I was waiting to do a bunch of things. I do really physical activities like roofing, changing tires, digging post holes, etc. After the 5 weeks was up, I dove back into working the first day..and then I started bleeding. My doctor told me to wait some more. Apparently the 5 week thing was just a ballpark for healing. Some people need more time than that and I was one of those people. Take away points: Don't pile up a bunch of stuff to do immediately after healing from surgery and you can't speed up healing even if you want to really bad. Your body has its own schedule.
The pesky incision that wouldn't close.