Wednesday, November 8, 2017

It still feels like I'm wearing a binder: Physical therapy and stretching helps

It's been 7 months since my top surgery. I already talked about "cording", learned about what might cause it, and then had a couple visits with a physical therapist to deal with it. Apparently you can break the tissue under the skin, but it will often grow back. The way to make it less noticeable is to do stretching until it is loose enough under the surface to not be taut and appear raised from the underlying tissue. So, the point is, it's eventually not a big deal if you do the stretching and can no longer feel any constriction when moving your chest or arms. The stretches consist of sticking your chest out as far as you can and bringing your arms and shoulders back for 10 reps, multiple times a day. Lifting your arms up in a sweeping motion as far as you can reach, again, multiple times a day. I had complained to the physical therapist about how it still felt like I was wearing a binder (24 hours a day!), and that the top surgery was supposed to give me a break from that. I asked her how long it would be before that feeling of tightness would last and she said that the stretching should alleviate that feeling in 3-4 months. So if you do not have access to PT (physical therapy), find chest stretching exercises and DO them. That binder feeling will go away eventually. I am including a gratuitous chest pic below. It is very obvious that some of my skin was NOT tan. I'm looking forward to being able to even up my skin coloring after I am finally able to go in the sun!

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