Saturday, November 18, 2017

Transitioning and body hair

I am on a few different transmen lists on Facebook and I read quite a bit on the internet and I am amazed at the differences in the rates of change from person to person. Personally, I have lived a rather "hairless" 53 years. I have had very little arm, leg, or body hair. What I've seen in body hair growth, including facial hair seems miraculous to me, even when I see pictures of other transmen who have been taking testosterone for only a few months and already have a goatee. Our genetics are really what is determining what changes we see and how fast they happen and as disappointing as that may be for some transguys, this is how it works for cis-gendered men as well. we aren't special in this area. I remember watching that play out during high school when the boys who developed facial hair were the object of envy. Although I have as much butt hair as anyone could possibly want and some new hair on my legs, (along with 13 chest hairs), it's my turn to be envious of every transguy that has more facial hair than me. At 2 years on testosterone I have a little darkening and coarsening of the hair on my top lip, a few curling neck hairs, some wiry additions to my sideburns (grey unfortunately), and some patchy chin hair. There are other random beard hairs sprouting randomly on my face but they show little evidence of grouping together any time soon. Meanwhile, I shave them off because I prefer to look neat and tidy and my wife finds them poky (I have no idea how to spell poky..pokey..pokie?). So, as exciting as new facial hair is, my significant other doesn't really like it and I think that is also a something that cis-gendered guys also find out during puberty. I think I have a lot of shaving
ahead of me.

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